Investigators Pre-prep
Becoming School ready

Welcome to Pre-prep
Their last year at nursery
The year before children leave for School is vital. Children at Aspire have grown with us and we understand their individual needs and are in the best position to ensure they are confident resilient learners for their next stage, which is why children will often stay with us until they start school because they are settled and have consistency, rather than have 2 changes in a year.
What does being "school ready" mean?
having strong social skills
can cope emotionally with being separated from their parents
are relatively independent in their own personal care
have a curiosity about the world and a desire to learn.
"PACEY research into what child carers, teachers, parents and children felt "being school ready" really means. The conclusion was that children should have a curiosity about the world and a desire to learn".
How do we prepare them for School?
Every child learns at their own rate and has their own learning ability. At Aspire we over staff our rooms to ensure we can meet those individual needs. Recognising that children learn differently gives you the ability to focus on how to best help them. With a ratio of 1 to 5 max rather than 1 to 13 in a school means the children have more attention in this last crucial year.
Each day the children will enjoy phonics sessions, active maths, sharing books, group working, as well as having the opportunity to take part in extra curricula activities often missing when they attend school. Each week the children take part in forest school style sessions at fishponds, Zumba, Tennis and Mandarin.
Our children leave us confident in making marks and pencil control, toileting, social skills and knowing how to interact, problem solvers, ability to use knife and fork, putting on shoes, getting dressed, counting skills, phonic ability leading to forming letters, knowing sounds, blending to read words and early writing ability.
Our children have the freedom to pick activities, learn together, play together, create together and make memories together.
What if I want my child to go to a school nursery?
Often parents think that if they get a place at the school nursery then they will get a place in the School. This is not the case, the school nursery has no guarantees for a reception place, and this could effectively mean they move from Aspire, to school nursery, to a different school for reception.
"Previous research from PACEY shows that almost three quarters (71%) of parents were anxious about their child starting school for the first time in September, with close to half of parents (48%) more anxious than their child about starting school".
Staying at Aspire gives them consistently and are just as well prepared for school as we all work to the same curriculum. Helping to reduce any extra anxious from changing providers again.
Parent packs
Please feel free to download this poster and information pack on getting children ready for School from Pacey below. (Opens in new window).